Contractwars Wiki

"Submachine gun, developed for the German special forces with 4,6 x 30 mm ammunition. It has fundamental similarities in the G36 mechanics. MP7 has a high rate of fire, as well as high accuracy."


The H&K MP7 is a tier 4 submachine gun.


The H&K MP7 is a submachine gun in Weapon Set 4. Despite being one of the more expensive CRLogo weapons in that set, the performance of the weapon is exceptional. Its high fire rate and solid damage make it very effective in CQC. The accuracy at range is somewhat limited, but it can still be effective if fired in bursts at medium range. One of the main things that stands out is the reload speed. With a max reload speed of 92, this weapon is the fastest reloading CRLogo primary other than the IZH-43.




To complete the w-task, you must do 30 triplekills first. Finishing it will give you IronDot sight and an H&K silencer. 

